Sunburned face, sunburned skin, or problems with dark skin from the sun. It is another common skin problem. And difficult to avoid With the environment and strong sunlight As a result, people who are exposed to sunlight for a long time will develop Problems with sunburn on the face or dark and damaged skin accumulates.

Sunburned facial skin problems The cause is when the skin is expose to strong sunlight for a period of more than 15 minutes without protection. Or being expose to the sun for a long time without reapplying sunscreen Resulting in burning, itching, and redness of the skin. Irritated formed a clear blister and for the face Exposure to the sun for a long period of time will cause the skin to become noticeably darker. And if exposed to the sun for a long period of time It may become sunburn. We can โปรโมชั่น ufabet divide the severity of sunburn symptoms into 3 levels:
- First degree sunburn: The skin is normal but redness has appeared. and a little painful. After 3-5 days, there will be problems with peeling skin due to the shedding of skin cells. before the symptoms gradually improve
- Second-degree sunburn: Symptoms include burning, itching, redness, swelling, and pain when touching the sunburned area. It may take 5-7 days for monitoring and nourishment for the skin to return to normal again.
- Third-degree sunburn: There is a burning sensation in the skin that is more intense than usual, redness, itching, and clear blisters. You should see a medical professional for advice and guidelines on how to properly care for sunburned skin. It may take more than 2 weeks for sunburned and dull skin to heal.
Basic first aid methods problems with sunburned skin.
- Take a shower or soak in cold water. cooling
- Apply moisturizer. Helps relieve dryness and dehydration. Should be applie immediately after showering while the body is damp.
- Apply corticosteroid cream. that has a mild effect, such as 2% Hydrocortisone cream. Be careful of using a cream that is too strong. without receiving direct medical care
- Apply aloe vera (Aloe) to help with moisture. and can reduce inflammation
- If you have swelling, pain, redness, or heat, you can take Ibuprofen. But you must take it immediately after a meal. And be careful in people who have gastritis or are allergic to NSAIDs.
- Drink lots of water because your skin gets sunburn. Makes the body lose a lot of water.
- If the skin develops blisters (second degree sunburn), do not pierce, do not peel, and should see a dermatologist. Including if you have a headache, fever, or chills, you should see a doctor immediately.
- avoid sunlight Don’t get hit again. Because sunlight can cause skin cancer.
These methods may help prevent sunburn. And can become dark and damaged from the sun But it’s a good way to go out in the sun. You should protect your skin from strong sunlight by wearing clothing that covers the skin. And you should choose to use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher and can protect against both UVA (UVA) and UVB (UVB) rays.